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Pic's by Wally, Robert and Sharon Muffett, &Phil From the Goldminers Digest.
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Dredge Earth First
Headquarters of the mounting effort to protect the rights of small scale miners and prospectors in Oregon and across America. Please check this page often for links and information on the 100 dredge protest taking place in Oregon soon. We will be posting images of Oregon dredge permits for printing and submission so you too can take place in this historic event at
http://www.dredge-earth-first.org Temporally not working
The Truth About Cyanide !
I Thought this is worth sharing, with you guys/gals! This is from Eric Chatters a metallurgist chat room associate of Megan Rose in Canada. I thought it worth sharing here. Just makes me feel good to provide those in OUR community with some Paul Harvian
"rrrrrrrest of the story" fodder for when we get bashed for our poisonings and dreadful sluice boxes.WELCOME TO THE NEW IOWA GOLD
Check Out The Pen Press Home Page
I've been involved in gold mining new for over seven years. I'm no pro at this but I know what I'm looking for most of the time when I'm out on a stream or using a metal detector.
Gold mining is hard work but also fun at times. There's plenty of places to go for the GOLD that are free. Then there are places that you have to pay a fee. But if you haven't gold prospected before then the pay sites is where you want to go first. Also you can read allot of books about mining for gold to learn more to see if you will like doing it.
There are different ways to prospect for gold. The first method is panning using a gold pan. There are different size pans from a 4" and up to 14" or more. Here's the basic method for gold panning. This was used for many years even when they found gold in Cal. in1848.
First look for a good location for panning. Select a place where the water is shallow about 6" minimum and flowing just fast enough to keep the muddy water from impairing your vision of the pan and a place where you can sit or kneel down comfortably.
STEP 1. Washing Off The Larger Rocks & Moss.
1st. Fill your pan 3/4 full of gravel, then submerge it deep enough so it is just under the surface of the water. Give the pan several vigorous shakes back and forth and from side to side, but not too vigorous as to wash material out of the pan.
2nd. Change from shaking motion to a gentle circular movement, so the dirt starts revolving in a circle. This process will cause most of the dirt and clay to dissolve and wash out of the pan. If roots and moss occur, work this material over your pan with your fingers to dissolve the lumps, and make sure you get the moss real clean for it holds gold.
3rd. Pick out the bigger rocks after making sure that they are washed clean.
4th. Repeat processes #1 and #2 to get the smaller rock to the surface and to cause the heavier concentrate to settle to the bottom of the pan.
STEP 2. Wash Off Lighter Sand & Gravel.
1st. Hold the pan just under the water and tilt it slightly away from you. Begin to swirl the water from side to side, with a slight forward motion with care, but with sufficient force to move the surface and lighter gravel out over the edge of the pan.
2nd. Leveling the pan from time to time and shaking it back and forth will cause the light material to come up to the surface and the gold and heavies go to the bottom. Repeat process #1 and #2 of step 2 until there's only about two cups of heavier material left in your pan. This material is usually called "heavy concentrate".
Step 3. Washing off the Black Sand & Concentrates.
1st. At this point it is better for the beginner to raise the pan completely out of the water, leaving about an inch or so of water in the pan. Then tilt the pan slightly toward you and swirl the water slowly in a circular motion to check the pan for nuggets and flacks of gold that are easily picked out by hand.
2nd. Then submerge the pan again in water and repeat process #1 and #2 of step 2 for final concentration. This is the most critical part of panning. Make sure this final process is accomplished with as much diligence as possible, so as not to wash out any gold.
3rd. If you have a plastic pan, you can use a magnet that can be employed to quickly aid in the separation of gold from the magnetic black sand concentrate. Apply the magnet to the bottom side of the pan and move it in a small circular motion with the pan slightly tilted. This will quickly leave the gold isolated from the black sand.
The other forms of mining are Dry Washing, High banking, Dredging and lode mining or also known as Hard Rock mining. The most important thing to remember is DO NOT CLAIM JUMP IT MEANS DO NOT GO ON ANY ONE ELSE'S CLAIM AND LOOK FOR MINERALS, FOR YOU MIGHT GET SHOT. MINERS DON'T LIKE THAT. Always make sure that the land you are going on is open to the public or there is not a legal claim to the land. Check with the local court house to see if there is a claim on that piece of land.
Black Sands, Curse or Blessing?