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Serving the Gold Enthusiast since 1985.


If you have not already read "GoTrUnking," Go read a sample of the quality of information which Pen Press authors provide.
This article was published in Modern Gold Miner and Treasurer Hunter Magazine,
written by Megan Rose, author of
Thrift Store Prospecting


One real gold enthusiast is Megan Rose, see her homepage:
at $20 per oz!
We exclusively distribute her complete how-to kit: Thrift Store Prospecting

Another author of whom we are quite proud is Claud-the-Miner.
Experienced in placer and hard rock mining, thrift store gold recycling, Claud's information can be found
by clicking here.

Gold Enthusiast eZine

Managing Editor, Zack Hansen says,
"The Gold Enthusiast eZine
shares stories, hints, and helps for those interested in the wide and diverse topic of gold. As a miner and a gold recycler, I have found that there is way more out there than I can ever recover by myself, so I have set about to collate and add to the knowledge of gold prospectors, gold miners, gold investors, thrift store shoppers and operatores, salvage and dumpster divers, beachcombers, treasure hunters, and of all gold enthusiasts. This free electronic magazine is my contribution to increasing the overall haul and conversion to cash!"

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