Off The Dop 2009
Imperial Topaz - 7.07 mm x .97 crts
Faceted in the Wisconsin Pin Wheel Design by Carl Mauritz
These where taken with my D40 Nikon
MT Saint Helens Helinite faceted in Celia08 design.
It is 1.9 CRTs, 8 mm.
Smokey Quartz I faceted for Harry Polly of NC. 8.89
crts - 13.72 mm
Amethyst faceted in Celia_08 for Harry Polly of NC. 4.59 crts x 11 mm. Faceted on 4-30-09.
Garnet .47 crts x 4.23 mm faceted in 4_09.
Rutilated Quartz faceted in a Cats eye design. I gave this one to my dear sister
Donna Hollingsworth of NC.
Emerald faceted in design by Jeff Gram, it is .64 crts, 5.82x4.33 mm This
was shot with out extra lighting just the flash.
This was with extra lighting. I like the photos with out the extra lighting.