Off The Dop 2008
These are gem stones I facet in 2008
Tanzanite King Alan design - 3.80 mm - 0.2 crts
Benitoite from CA, 3.08 mm - .15 CRTS
Portino design by Jerry Capps, Madison, WI - 2.35 crts - 8.09 mm
This design I did is for the Mcrocks Get Together of 2008. This Synthetic Ruby
is 3.75 crts - I don't have my calipers up here right now to get the size.
This design I did is for the Mcrocks Get Together of 2008. This is a natural
Topaz, .20 crts - 4.2x4.2 mm.
Red Sunstone, from OR - 7.75 mm x 1.66 crts.
Syn. Emerald - 4.53 mm - .25 crts