Vulcan Quarry Dig 2007 Oshkosh, WI
It was a restless night for me trying to sleep
before the big dig at the Vulcan Quarry in Oshkosh, WI. I lay awake since 4:00
AM and decided to get up at 4:30 AM. I turned on the computer and went to
McRocks to read the board quick and to learn the Everett and his mom couldn't
make the trip. I called Randy to get up and all so Dad for he wanted to go along
with us.
We had to leave town by 5:30 to meet up with
Donna Nolte at Two Brothers in Oshkosh, WI. We got over the use car lot on the
hwy to meet some other folks that wanted to come to this dig and see what it is
like. Well we left on time and after a hour and 10 minutes of driving we got in
to Oshkosh at the reasurant. We all sat down to a good breakfast and coffee. At
7:30 we left there for the quarry that is only a few blocks away.
We got there and there where some others waiting
all ready. Well as more and more cars came and we lined up to go in but first we
had to sign our wavers and pay the $2.00 fee so the workers can have a lunch
later. (It was well worth the money and more for what we all found down in the
The road down to the pit.
Cars lining up to go down
Cars lining up to go down
The lead truck that will take us down in to the pit.
It took longer then they thought to get every one
checked in but by about 8:15 we where on our way down to the quarry floor where
the good stuff is at. The company truck started off to lead us down and when we
got all parked The guy gave us a safety talk about where we can go and not go.
Part of the quarry
Part of the quarry
Going down in to the quarry
Going down in to the quarry
Going down in to the quarry
One of the areas with good minerals
I started looking and soon I found this real nice
rock with Marcasite in it. I trimmed it down some but it still was to big to
carry to the van. So I kept on finding a lot of good stuff with the
Marcasite in. Soon a young gail was having trouble finding anything and Cori
told her she would help her find some good stuff. I decided to help her by
giving her some real nice pieces. People where asking what to look for that
where new to the quarry so I was helping them and trying to get good stuff for
my self. I gave a lot of nice stuff the kids around me to help them out.
Folks looking for good minerals
Folks looking for good minerals
What is this?
Folks looking for good minerals
I want to thank Donna Nolte & Jeannette Merten for these
pictures of folks working Hard in the quarry to fine great minerals.
Who is this in the black coat?
After about one and half hours in this spot I
decided to go over the south part of the pit by another area where they had
dumped good minerals for us all to find. I started to find some nice
pyrites and
calcites with a little Marcasite. I found Lloyd Brown there just a working away
finding good stuff that he wanted. My hand was starting to give me trouble so I
slowed way down pounding on rocks to find good crystals. So I sat and visited
with Lloyd for I didn't see him since last fall. At about 10:45 they sounded the
horn for let us know to start packing up and get ready to leave the pit.
Lloyd and others working hard.
Lloyd and others working hard.
Water falls down in the quarry
Water falls down in the quarry
We went to the park for the swap meet and show
off our goodies that every found. At around 1:30 most of the families where gone
so we packed up and talked to Cori for a bit and she gave us a few Geodes from
Area C61 down by Keokuk that we didn't stay for. We decided to stop in by
Donna Nolte in Omro but she was gone yet so we headed home. On the way a few
cops looked at us funny but I know why, our truck was overloaded with
rocks!" Every time a gust of wind would hit us I had to hang on to the steering wheel
LOL. We pulled in to the house around 2:45 PM. I went in side to take some pain
killers and I'm sure I'll feel it in the morning.
The back of the van with some of the goodies. Even the pails have rocks in them.
The side door with some of the goodies
This how the van sat with all them rocks in it.
Our take from the Vulcan Quarry 07
Our take from the Vulcan Quarry 07
Our take from the Vulcan Quarry 07
My big one and best one. |
Our take from the Vulcan Quarry 07
Our take from the Vulcan Quarry 07
This is the big one that you see in the back of the van LOL. It took three guys to put it in. |
Our take from the Vulcan Quarry 07
Quarry pictures