Minerals From Mike Streeter

Smokey Quartz from Diamond Hill Mine, Antreville, SC

Amethyst for faceting from the R.A. Moore prospect, Wilkes, Coumty, Georgia

Rutile w/ iridescent goethrte & Hematite from Graves mtn., lincolm Co. GA

Rutile from Graves mtn., lincolm Co. GA for faceting.

Rutile from Graves mtn., lincolm Co. GA

Amethyst from the R.A. Moore prospect, Wilkes , Coumty, Georgia

another angle

another angle

another angle

Barite, from the Pesa Mine, Cartersville GA

Kyanite from Walker Creek NC.

Garnet from the Little Pine Garnet Mine.

Garnet from the Little Pine Garnet Mine.



I got this real nice Barite & Fluorite specimen from Mike Streeter